Why is this? No matter my listening room (large basement with 7 1/2 foot ceilings or small office with 8’ ceilings), the sound is more open and more spacious when I stand up from my listening chair. When I sit, the sound compresses a bit. Sitting, the tweeters are about 5-6" above my ear level. Should I angle the speakers down?
My chair is at the apex of the .83 ratio Jim Smith suggests for getting better sound. I'm about 3' from the back wall and my standmount speakers are 3' from the front wall.
What acoustics are responsible for this?
Well @simao we have “solution bukake” (SB) where everyone is throwing out an answer as the solution to the problem…
You probably want a UMIK and REW to do some measurements.
On the “other hand”, your ears hear it, so you need to determine if it is the speakers throwing a high pattern, or a cancelation from the chair, or something else.
Salmon Rushdie’s winged horse in his book “Satanic Verses”, attracted a fatwa against him.
I would bet your winged chair is attack against the ears, but I could be wrong.