Sound quality impact - preamp vs power amp?

So how best to deploy available funds.  Better to spend on a high end preamp or outstanding power amp?  This assumes you already have high end stuff elsewhere in system.

Omg Isn’t it simple? We all know this — Start at the speaker and work upstream to the source. So logically the proper matching amp would be next. 
If you match a top level preamp with a lower level amp, you will reveal all the weak points of the amp. If you match a top level amp with a lower level preamp, you will never hear the top performance of your amp. 
So I agree they are equally important because the whole point of high end audio is trying to eliminate the weakest link. 
the whole point of high end audio is trying to eliminate the weakest link.

I disagree.  I believe the whole point is to optimize the synergy among your components & room to best connect you to the music and stir your soul.