Sound quality of Genesis remastered CDs?

Found one response to this from this time last year on the subject, but would like some more feedback from anyone that has any of them.

Reason why:  I never had Wind & The Wuthering or Trick of the Tail on CD.  Finally decided I wanted to get digital copies for the convenience, so picked them up new from Amazon.  W&TW on CD only, TotT CD, DVD-A and a brief DVD video.

W&TW was absolutely awful to my ears.  Compressed to a thin sheet of paper, indistinct vocals, zero punch and generally unlistenable.  Couldn't make it all the way through a single tune.  The only upside was that the dreadful static embedded in the vinyl versions in the guitar passage of Blood on the Rooftops was eliminated.

TotT CD was better, but not by much.  The DVD-A was almost SACD level, but still didn't have the fullness, range or punch of my MFSL or Japanese home-market pressings.

I would go so far as to say that the non-remastered CDs I got back in the day are all superior to these two new ones.

What have been your impressions?


Showing 1 response by alfau7

I have those you refer remastered version on sacd, and even Genesis is one of my favorite band, is hard to recognize those sacd are the hardest to listen. The main reason I still hear them from time to time, it is because phil collins voice sound soo real! is like being with him in fornt of me, but the rest of instruments are very loud and compressed.