Sound Quality of red book CDs vs.streaming

I’ve found that the SQ of my red book CDs exceeds that of streaming using the identical recordings for comparison. (I’m not including hi res technology here.)
I would like to stop buying CDs, save money, and just stream, but I really find I enjoy the CDs more because of the better overall sonic performance.
 I stream with Chromecast Audio using  the same DAC (Schiit Gumby) as I play CDs through.
I’m wondering if others have had the same experience
That is why Hi-res does not garantee you anything. There are also many poor DSD and MQA recordings as well.
You can get the best version with the highest DR if you feed the Artist and Album name, in to this, and 8 x out of 10 it’s the earlier releases that have the highest constant DR.
Click on the one with the highest DR, get the cat no. and go buy the cd for $2 s/h on ebay, forget the re-mastered or downloaded that’s always a flip of the coin if it’s compressed of not.

This Supertramp is not typical, but gives you an idea, what version to look for.

Cheers George
An audiosystem cannot create emotion by it self. The emotion is inside the music. That is why you need an audiossystem what can reveal all the details and aspects/properties of the recording. This has nothing to do  with a personal taste. But is 100% based on facts.

All the different aspects of sound can influence our emotion. And again we are talking about facts. So you need all the aspects/properties of the music to experience all the emotion the music possesses. There is no other way to feel all the emotion of the music.
Dear Geoff,

I really like all your comments. Nice to see there are more people who understand it.
I have just tesyed my cd copies of dave brubeck qiartet "take 5" (columbia) and "what's new" (telarc), and "late night bruneck" (telarc) against spotify and tidal.
Results are always consistent.... Cd is either clearly better, or auguably better.
Always clearly better than tidal who pretends hifi, and arguably better (sometimes just not) than spotify who pretends mp3, which i despise.
I just got a deal with tidal, basically 3 months for free, and i am floored by how inconsistent the service is compared to spotify.  With spotify, you know what you 're paying for and you end up surprised sometimes.
With tidal, you don't get what you are paying for, and sometimes, you feel it is worth something.
In other words, spotify delivers on the promise 100% of the time and more, wheras tidal sporadically does... A little bit like buying CDs before you can listen to them somehow.
Thanks for your insights, could you clarify one thing, you say above you prefer player/dac rather than separates yet you recommend Lumen L1. So do you recommend Lumen D2 player or L1 plus dac? 