Soundsmith Straingauge SG-200 cartridge system

Hi everyone, haven't heard much discussion of this one in a while. I'm just starting to run a direct rim drive Trans Fi Salvation tt sporting a Trans Fi Terminator air bearing linear tracking arm. It's a total game changer imho, but I fear the Zu modded Denon 103 cart on it, excellent as it is, may have performance bettered by something more SOTA. I'm looking for something to match the tt/arm's neutrality, solidity and eveness, and am drawn to the Straingauge. Reviews praise it's speed and naturalness, but some comments are more guarded commenting on tonal thinness, edginess and overanalytic quality.
If it helps I hate over sharp carts like Lyra Skala, are more comfortable with neutral carts like the Transfiguration Orpheus, and feel the humble Zu 103 is a giant killer in the rhythmn/timing/involvment stakes.
So comments please from those who have experience of the Straingauge, thank you.
If you like your Zu 103, why not go the next step and get a Soundsmith OCL retip.
I've been using an SS retipped 103R in a Midas aluminium body for some time now and the jump in realism and transparency over the stock conical tip is amazing. The cartridge retains the involvement and superior pace and timing of the 103R.
While I'm sure the SG is excellent, every time i listen to my SS/103R it engages and thrills me and I wonder why I'd want to pay more. The musical bargain of our times IMO.
you must listen to the straign guage beofre purtchaseing. It sounds very different and you must be prepared for the differences.
Br3098, Tobes and Stringreen, thanks for your responses. Tobes, I see that you're running a Garrott P77 alongside your Soundsmith retipped 103. The Garrott is the very cart my tt designer is recommending I get to replace the Zu 103, run thru a Ray Samuels Nighthawk F117 phono stage. Any comments?
Spiritofmusic, Regarding the carts. I sold my Acutex 420 STR to Vic the producer of the 'Terminator'; the linear tonearm. After listening to this cart for only 10 min. he
wrote to me asking if I can provide more. He then bought my second 420, the 412 and the M 312. Frogman was also very impressed with the 420 (see 'Eminent Technology
ET-2' thread; 05-03-12). Many members bought those Acutex
carts in Italy some time ago. So it seems to me you will have no difficulyy to get one.

Spiritofmusic, to be honest I haven't played the Garrott for some time because the results I'm getting with the SS/103R have been so impressive.
If fact I haven't even heard the Garrott with the Cary phono - which is something I really should do.
I can say that with my previous Plinius M14 phono stage I preferred the 103R to the Garrott, in most ways, and over a wide selection of music. Both cartridges have a special quality of musical engagement and expression.
That said, I think the SS/103R is on a different level.