I was just kidding, you can hang out with the "big boys".
On a serious note, it's unfortunate most of those places where you could audition high end equipment are no longer around. Although the equipment on Agon is a lot less, knowing what to buy is a problem. The only option is to read and experiment. Since you can easily sell it back, I guess the cost of shipping is the overhead.
Ballywho, that Audio Innovations 500 sounds like a serious piece of equipment. I bought Mullard 6922's and they didn't justify the cost. Shuguang 12AX7's are very good and not expensive. I like your power tubes.
It takes a long time for newbies to realize how important the amp is to the soundstage and since the sound comes out of the speakers, it's speakers, speakers, speakers. Unfortunately there's nowhere they can hear how each component contributes to the whole, I understand this. Regardless what stage we are in as audiophile's, we all share a common love of the music.
On a serious note, it's unfortunate most of those places where you could audition high end equipment are no longer around. Although the equipment on Agon is a lot less, knowing what to buy is a problem. The only option is to read and experiment. Since you can easily sell it back, I guess the cost of shipping is the overhead.
Ballywho, that Audio Innovations 500 sounds like a serious piece of equipment. I bought Mullard 6922's and they didn't justify the cost. Shuguang 12AX7's are very good and not expensive. I like your power tubes.
It takes a long time for newbies to realize how important the amp is to the soundstage and since the sound comes out of the speakers, it's speakers, speakers, speakers. Unfortunately there's nowhere they can hear how each component contributes to the whole, I understand this. Regardless what stage we are in as audiophile's, we all share a common love of the music.