I have owned the Raven preamp now for about 6-7 weeks feeding a Pass X350.5 solid state amp. Compared to my previous solid state preamp, a quite capable Ayre K-1xe, the Raven was better at everything but mostly in the areas of soundstage depth, image stability, 3-dimensionality, focus, clarity and tonal colors. However, I suspected that I wasn't getting everything the Raven was capable of due to my interconnect cables which are a good value for their price but after having owned the much better Nordost Tyr 2 in the past, had certain limitations. At the suggestion of Don Sachs I ordered up the top level 5.3 XLR anti cables from Paul Speltz and had them cryo'ed and burned in for 150 hours. They are used between my DAC and Raven, and from the Raven to the Pass amp. Speaker cables are from Triode Wire Labs. OMG! The gains in clarity, transparency, speed, dynamics and image focus are off the charts. Vocals are so clear that I can now understand certain words that I used to have to struggle to understand. My system now sounds leaps and bounds better than ever. Even the wife agrees but don't tell her I have my eye on the Spatial Blackbird amps. With a daughter getting married in the fall those will have to wait a while.
Spatial Audio Raven Preamp
Spatial is supposed to be shipping the first "wave" from pre orders of this preamplifier in May, does anyone have one on order? Was hoping to hear about it from AXPONA but I guess they were not there. It's on my list for future possibilities. It seems to check all my boxes if I need a preamp.
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@lynn_olson I’m a believer! The Speltz level 5.3 XLR Anticables are very reasonably priced in my opinion and seem to be a perfect match for the Raven. Talking with Paul Speltz about his cables and pickleball among other things was a pleasure. Many thanks to Don for pointing me in the right direction. |
@jc4659 So glad the anticables worked out for you. Same setup I am running, with xlr from my Lampi Pacific 2 to the Raven and xlr to the Blackbirds from the Raven. I am going to get Paul to make me speaker cables eventually when I get around to it. It is always a bit of a stretch recommending cables because we all have our taste. There are lots of very good cables in the world and people recommend them to me regularly. I just tell folks what I am using that works for me. I heard Paul's cables when Spatial used them in our demo in Seattle and I was impressed, so I bought some. The Raven is very transparent and will certainly show you what your cables sound like. I don't think Paul's cables really sound like anything, which is the best praise I can give anything. They are just transparent without any trace of brightness in my system. Glad they worked out for you.
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