Put my old Crown Xs500 amp in my main system. Holy cow! | ditusa | 183 | 4 | |
Anyone compare Zesto with Backert preamps? | dentdog | 2072 | 18 | |
Isolation transformers output voltage higher than wall | jc4659 | 1422 | 9 | |
Was it really an impedance mismatch? | gdnrbob | 1482 | 4 | |
New transport or repair CD player | jc4659 | 2607 | 22 | |
Speakers on carpet over concrete | jc4659 | 3668 | 16 | |
Is teflon based lubricating spray bad for tonearm bearings? | jc4659 | 1651 | 8 | |
Ayre Codex (former) Owners, what did you move on to? | jeoneil | 4832 | 20 | |
Anyone drive Verity Audio Parsifal Encores with tubes? | no_regrets | 3212 | 24 | |
Time to retire a retipped Linn Troika. Best replacement cartridge? | jc4659 | 1898 | 2 | |
Best means of isolating digital equipment i.e. DACs, CD transports, wall warts etc. | jc4659 | 2368 | 26 | |
Need help Meridian 508 CD player Upper Midwest | jc4659 | 1690 | 5 | |
Competent electronics tech in the Milwaukee area | jess007 | 1230 | 5 | |
MC cartridge loading: still baffled | lewm | 4389 | 31 | |
LINN Ittok needs rewire Suggestions? | jwpstayman | 3753 | 8 | |