Spatial M4 TS vs Magnepan LRS

Considering the Spatial M4 or the LRS for a dedicated music room...13 x 12 x 8 . Power would be a Manley Stingray I pod or a Forte FT 1.5 / Audio Research SP 9 MK III.I listen to an Emerald Physics CS 3 now and have lived with Magnepan MG II for years. I like the EP,s but hate the needed external eq. The Spatials looked very interesting until all the hoopla with the LRS’s. Not sure if the Stingray could power them, but think the Forte could.  Has anyone compared the two or have any thoughts. 


Showing 2 responses by jackd

I agree the Spatial's are a more complete product and much easier to drive.
The TM's have the better compression driver and are an easier load for tube amps.