I really don't care whether you read my posts or not and obviously you're very ill informed and stupid if you think that OCC single crystal silver and copper is crop you obviously don't know very much about cables and your system is probably crop as well lol, and I don't care whether you buy neotech or not I could care less but you are very misinformed about cables like I said maybe you should start doing some research and reading or can you even read? and just so you know my system is worth $72,000 and if you would like me to list what it is I'd be happy to and I can even show you a picture if you like, I've been an audiophile for over 40 years so I know what I'm talking about, whether you choose to listen or not I could care so keep buying your silver plated OFC junk wire and paying a lot for it lol, makes no difference to me, unfortunately uninformed people like you make stupid decisions.