speaker cables for Wilson Sophia

Other than transparent and MIT cables for Wilson Speakers, what other cables are you guys using w/ your Wilsons ?
Is it also determined by the amplifier being used ?

Thanks for the inputs.
I have owned Transparent, MIT, Kimber, Goertz, Dynamic Design, Maestro, AQ and many others but JPS Labs Superconductor 3 puts them all to shame without a question.
thanks for the replies. Trying to find out which of the cables is synergy with the wilson speakers.
Different speaker cables have different character & for sure, there are some that is more synergistic with other speakers. In this thread, trying to specifically find out which speaker cables is in good synergy with Wilson speakers.
One thing for sure, Transparent is a very common cable with Wilson Audio.
Hope that clarifies things.
i m driving my sahas with spectral 360 Mk 2 and was using the original spectral cables. Now i was testing several other cables like jps aluminata, MIT oracle, audioquest wel. those cables makes the sound different and i like them better than the original spectral but each of those cables is superior in some areas but none really satisfies me.
is there somebody who has another recomandation?

Hello Peter - I think you run a real risk using cables other than MIT with those amps (which I think are among the best in the world:)). I use Spectral amps as well (360 at present, DMA 260 coming next week) and have been discussing cables over on the Spectral forum, there has been some good input. I'm currently using Oracle MA-X and find them to be an amazing tool. I have used the MIT/Spectral cables then moved to the Matrix 50 and now the MA-X. With the MA-X you get tremendous authority, presence and depth and all this comes while maintaining tonal accuracy. The improvement is substantial...very substantial. It's hard to articulate everything that they do so I will just say I recommend giving them a go. I think you would likely get a similar impact from the Oracle MA and even more from the MA-X revision 2. As for speaker cables, I am using the Matrix 90 HD and sort of stuck there due to cost. I can only imagine what the addition of the MA-X speaker cables would be like.

Be really careful using those other cables, you can fry your amps pretty quick.
BTW Peter, my speakers are Sasha's also and I think the Spectral/Sasha combination is pretty damn special. Enjoy!