Speaker Cables? why all the hype for expensive speaker wire?

After listening to many speaker cables, I am listening to basic 14 Gauge, high purity copper speaker wire and find myself shaking my head.  Does this basic speaker wire sound better than cables many times the price?  I am really starting to ponder that question.  I think I am hearing things on my records I never heard before and better balance of sound.  What are your thoughts?

... I could measure and duplicate the sound of any speaker cable or interconnect currently being marketed as a good sounding wire.

I do wonder why no one has done this.

Perhaps others have tried and found it is not as easy as you suggest. What is stopping you from undertaking such a simple task?

And we should believe all you audiophiles who tell us there is a difference? Until there  is a reputable ABX test done between some cables, I think you are all blowing smoke.

3:07 - 5:20
And we should believe all you audiophiles who tell us there is a difference? Until there  is a reputable ABX test done between some cables, I think you are all blowing smoke.
I provided you the proof you seek - a very thorough, valid, blind scientific study - just yesterday. It proves the difference.
It's in this thread here. Happy reading.

@nac722 "The best cables come from pre-1980’s Kirby vacuums. ..,... These things work the best. Better than the $1 a foot stuff and better than the $10,000 cables. "

What specific $10,000 cables have you actually compared the Kirby vacuum wire to and what were the specific differences that you heard?  Also, for added context ,what equipment - brands/models do you have in your system?
The best test is your ears, if you can. If someone can’t hear a difference, no need to believe it, or wonder, save yourself the $. As MC hinted above, its no members job here to convince otherwise. Go discover.

I compared four different low, mid-grade, and higher grade bi-wire speaker cables to the budget builders Home Depot zip cord for fun, even ran it in bi-wire configuration, with and without connector ends. The HD cord is grainy sounding at best, not good in my system. Might be okay for some in lower efficiency speaker systems, if you want to convince yourself its good.   The result with the HD zip cord is missing some high and low frequency.  A limited design, limited conductor, limited insulation (dielectric), resulting in added NOISE. The opposite of clean, clear, smooth, or even dark sounding cables. If you like this HD zip cord sound, or can’t hear a difference, save your $. Some people like added salt in their ice cream, have at it! We all hear differently. Enjoy!