Speaker cone material pro's and con's

Are any of you aware of well-written general discussions of the pro's and cons of various speaker cone materials, for example, paper cone, metal cone (and various metals), polypropylene, ceramic, Mylar, etc.? I am not interested in propaganda for various technologies found on speaker manufacturer websites or opinions offered by audiophiles based upon something they read in an audio magazine, but rather, seek a good, general discussion that is written by a person qualified to speak to such issues (e.g., an engineer or physicist) and that is accessible to a reasonably technology-savvy layman.

I understand that the implementation of a particular cone material is crucial to performance and that it is thus difficult to discuss materials in a vacuum (e.g., how a cone's vibrational mode is dealt with dramatically affects performance), but a good discussion would presumably assume certain standard implementations and still arrive at conclusions.

Any links or recommended readings? Again, I am not looking for audio forum blather derived, for example, from someone's trip to Wilson or (mis)understanding of something written in TAS, but the serious observations of qualified authors.

Thanks in advance.
"I have most of the credentials that Dearing was looking for I find it a bit overbearing to suggest that only people with this sort of academic credentials are worthy of respect."

I am well aware of your posts and find them uniformly helpful. I was specific in requesting only references to materials written by qualified people because Audiogon, like other unpoliced public forums, is full of yahoos offering uninformed opinions and other ramblings, which I am not interested in.

Thank you to those who read and thought about my thread, and attempted to respond.
I second Duke's suggestion! You should definitely get an AES subscription!! (Cone materials are often about balancing of different compromises)

Not everything published in AES is perfect nor is it easily digested. Well worth it for those who seek closer to the truth.

I would expect many Agoner's are AES members, after all, they have an interest in the technology of audio reproduction and the membership dues are modest compared to most high end gear. Think of the advantage of being an informed buyer!
Dearing...I get your point. But be aware that plenty of highly credentialed engineers/scientists are, at the same time, certifiable yahoos. These guys often publish so called technical papers. And, some great ideas come from people with no formal training. It's your job to separate wheat from chaff.
Is my lighthearted mention of walking on water considered polemic
Hardly. If anything, a refreshingly light note...!