Speaker design, KenjiT and others.

After following these threads for a long time the common theme seems to be that there is no perfect speaker to reproduce sound. What I find a bit ironic in these discussions is that so much sound that we hear comes from speakers. For example pretty much any electronic sound you have heard before has come from a speaker of some kind. Pretty much any live show you have been to has either been supplemented by or sent to you via speakers. So what is this elusive experience that KenjiT claims may or may not exist?
Is it also like this? Most of what we see today is not driven by the sun but by light bulbs or a light emitting device. Yes there is really bad lighting in some places but when lighting is excellent are we really that  troubled by it not being like the sun?

“They”, need to claim supremacy  - hence “Us”...

Foundation upon which conspiracy theories are built.

The royal “We” as it were. “We”, know the truth.

That, or the simply the delusional ramblings of any village idiot, or in our case, the “Special K”
This topic is lame.

I hear perfect sound when I play my guitar, or listen to a piano, or go to the symphony.

Just lame.
Makes me feel like listening to my favorite music!

Dr Lame and The Lame Street No Count Band....
@kenjit ... about Mikes set-up...“Thats not a very good system especially considering the amount of money that has been spent on it.”

Since you like to bash other people systems, care to share a picture of yours??  
Didn’t think so...

You mentioned that you have PMC speakers.  Do you have am amp?  A dac?  Any cables? 

Didn’t think so.
Do you ever add anything constructive??  Nope.

Have you ever heard concrete speakers?  Were they the perfect speaker?  
Didn’t think so.

Have you ever stood in a concrete tunnel and yelled “echo”?  

Didn’t think so.
And last, why does scanspeak, vifa, morel, accuston etc. ship their drivers in small cardboard boxes as opposed to large speaker cabinets if the only purpose of speaker cabinets is to ship the drivers.