It would stand to reason that you have very high standards given your equipment list and the complexity of the aforementioned music ... I appreciate that. Would it be possible to build yourself a custom designed listening room? I get the feeling your standards may require the freedom to eliminate unwanted resonance at the expense of esthetics. This usually results in an angry woman. $40K-$60K on your own little oasis might be a bargain in the long run. You can do it a lot cheaper if you get involved yourself or maybe just renovate a large bedroom?
It might be a pain but find a room to play with and move your gear in for a weekend to see if the problem is improved upon. I did it with a bedroom once ... I was surprised how much different my measly system sounded. Enough so I am considering a listening room instead of a garage. I live for the day I have my own soundproof space. A windowless cave for the sake of music ...
It might be a pain but find a room to play with and move your gear in for a weekend to see if the problem is improved upon. I did it with a bedroom once ... I was surprised how much different my measly system sounded. Enough so I am considering a listening room instead of a garage. I live for the day I have my own soundproof space. A windowless cave for the sake of music ...