Speaker Fetish

I don't know if I am alone or not but I like speakers. I have a pair and am not looking to replace them but I find myself drawn to looking into new speakers all of the time. I don't know if I should go to a shrink or is this normal? Any coments? DO I NEED HELP?????
I used to keep all my boxes, but they started to give away my stealthy upgrades of my system. A few years ago I said to one of my friends "My wife has no clue how to operate or even identify any of my equipment. I'll bet she would not even notice if I got something different" Well almost 2 complete system upgrades later all she thinks is I did some trading back and forth. Well I must be Jesus, because I sure pulled a "loaves and fishes" and more than tripled the ammount of equipment I own and raised my CD collection from 500 to almost 2000 in a matter of 3 years (averaging $1000 a month in *ahem* trades). But the boxes for the most part have parted ways with me. (alot of the used stuff I bought didn't have a box anyway, or at least an original one) So my creed is once it is out of warrenty the box goes. Unless the component has a possiblity of a decent re-sale value....... hmmmmm wait a minute I have to chase down the recycling truck (While I am outside I might try and track down the UPS truck..... if that restraining order for stalking is over..... BTW I often sit at my computer hitting *refresh* on my UPS or FED EX tracking page... I just wish they had GPS in the trucks tied to a web-site so I could see in realtime where my new gear is..... I can see myself at 3:02 a.m. saying "put the box on the damn truck already! You are a major hub for crying out loud!" ) Yes it IS a sickness......
My UPS guy's name is Phil, and he really likes peppermint patties and hot chocolate we are a sick breed!
Tireguy, you made me laugh out loud and it was a really good "belly laugh" at that! Thanks :-} (as a matter of fact, every time I look back at your post, I laugh out loud again.. either you are really funny, or it's beeen a lonnnng week. Probably both!)
Well thank you Angela100, I am actually expecting a visit from my buddie phil this Wed. At least that is what the UPS tracking thing tells me, I will have hot chocolate with marshmellows, (yeah you guessed it phil likes marshmellows in his hot chocolate)and peppermint patties awaiting him.
Ok, fess up! Who’s got “spares” around, just in case.
You know.....
Just in case, you need to see the “A team” in for repairs/upgrades, you’ll need SOMETHING to listen to....
Just in case, you need a spare part
Just in case, um....