Speaker for 11x12 room

Hi guys !

Im in process of building my stereo room there is a sketch of my room

My budget is somewhere around 2.5k Usd

there will be a piano in the 8.53 wall.

what do you think will work the best for me and where is the best placement.

I don’t listen in high volumes. Don’t have measurements for db atm.

my Amplifier is ARC75se .

im considering either floorstands or monitors leaning towards monitors unless I can get a really interesting deal that still will work in this room with floor stand.


thank your for your help!


ProAc’s Love Tubes! ProAc’s are voiced with Audio Research. ProAc D2R with your amp , match made in heaven! 

@prefab @axeis1 
I looked for the Proac d2r . Haven’t found any. Only the d20r

in mint condition, I fear they might be too big for my room. They might work but I really don’t know..


@mesch yes! The room isn’t a real square and there is a little corridor which is around 4.5ftx2.5. But my idea is to Stratton with trying few angles.



My room is of almost identical dimensions.  After years of big monitors (Harbeth, Prana Fidelity, Grandinote) and a floorstander (WLM), I am getting much better sound with small monitors such as the Audience 1+1 and the vintage Linn Kans.  For me, it always seemed like I had to turn things up with the bigger speakers to get things to gel.  This is not a problem with the small monitors.

KEF LS50 Metas with REL T/5X sub. For me personally, the KEFS don’t produce enough low end, so I added the REL sub. The REL blends seamlessly with the KEFS & is fast enough to keep up them.