Speaker Longevity

Can someone give me some advice on how speakers wear? I have a 10 year old pair of Vienna Acoustic Beethoven's. I have never turned them up and l don't listen to rock, I basically listen to Solo vocal, Acoustic, Sacred Vocal, and Chamber. I have been running them through an all tube system by Quicksilver Audio, with a Vandersteen sub.. Do they degrade over time? Or, do speakers either work or not work?
Thanks, I would really appreciate some knowledgeable input.
Elizabeth & Jim -- great posts!

I'll just add that some of the most expensive and sought after speaker drivers in existence today are the field coil drivers from 1930's Western Electric theater speakers, which go for stratospheric prices on the rare occasions when they appear for sale.

Drivers from certain high-end 1930's radios, such as the 18 inch drivers that were made by Jensen and used in McMurdo Silver sets ca. 1935, can also command multi-kilobuck prices.

Which would seem to say something about how long well-made raw drivers (as distinguished from crossover elements) can last and continue to perform well.

-- Al
I've had a pair of Radio Shack Minimus 7's on my back porch for 20+ years.After several hurricanes and no telling how man backyard parties,they are still going strong.I can't explain why they have lasted so long and frankly,I don't really care,as long as they continue to do so.
Drivers still are made with paper surrounds. I have loudspeakers that I listen to daily that are older than I and never rebuilt. Im 45. I would say about 15-20 years for most quality loudspeakers depending on conditions or abuse.
Well, it’s been many months since I checked this post. I just want to thank everyone for sharing their knowledge- especially Elizabeth. I was really just curious if I should brace myself for a $6k purchase in the near future. Or- can I spend some money on upgrading cables. Never thought a power cable could make such an unbelievable improvement. For those of you who are not familiar with Voodoo Cables, I highly recommend checking them out.

Again, kind thanks..