Speaker Placement - When it's perfect!

So many audiophiles have commented that when your room treatment is completed, your electronics set up and tweaked and most importantly, your speakers are set up in your listening space correctly that you'll know it because everything just sounds so "right" and natural.  I just accomplished that feat in the last two weeks.  I say two weeks because I needed to play a wide variety of recordings to be sure that I'm there.  It is so great to have finally hit just the right set up.

I'm a bit embarrassed to admit that it has taken me well over a year of experimentation to get to this point.  It's not that other placements yielded poor quality sound its just that now everything sounds like a live event (as much as any of our systems can).

I would really appreciate hearing about your journey to the promised land of audiophile/music lover bliss.  How long did it take, what were the most difficult aspects of the journey?  And if you have yet to get there, what do  you think is the "brick in your wall"?

Showing 1 response by ejr1953

I feel everyone's pain, been there, done that, have the t-shirt with speaker positioning.
In my case I struggled integrating a new pair of speakers into a 24 x 26' room with pretty awful acoustics.  I got the speakers sounding really "dialed in", then had to start all over, after adding a pair of sub woofers.
The room added a single bass tone (no matter what notes the bass players were playing) that was about as loud as the sub woofers.  As I got the bass under control, eventually placing 10 bass traps around the room (with the help of REW and a calibration mic), I had to re position the main speakers to once-again get that "performer in the room" sound stage.
I eventually "got it" and have left well alone since then.