Speaker recommendation

Hi all,

I bought an all in one stereo this for my mom for Christmas and need some recommendations for speakers. I would like to find something that sounds similar to the Spica TC-50's I have in my bedroom system although the looks of them would never fly in her house. I'm thinking something from the Omega line but have only heard them briefly. At this point I don't know exactly where she's going to use them. Thanks.

try these you can usually find them for less
Try to find speaker that are fairly efficient.I'm guessing that unit gives 10-15 watts per channel (just a guess) at the most.The specs they give are 25 watts at 1 khz @6 ohms only.
The power at 20-20,000 will be lower.8 ohm speakers with at least the low 90db minimum efficiently range might work ok.If you use anything less efficient may heat up the unit,or play to low.Manuel link>>♫[http://www.teac.com/resources/pdf/cr-h227i-b/CR-H227i_manual.pdf]
Hi Classic:

I have a friend using NHT Absolute Zero with a similar TEAC all in one unit (300 series). The sound and look is very pleasing. I wouldn't spend too much more, as the TEAC is limited. Additionally, I would hesitate to use Omegas. Omegas shine with tubes and the better solid state amplifiers.

Best regards,
