Speaker return or sell As New

I recently purchased 2 sets of speaker, on paper radically different.

1. The LRS from Magnepan 2. The Zu Audio Dirty Weekend.

I love rock music, from the classic bands to Metallica. I also listen to all music in smaller doses.

Simple AB testing with my ordinary ears, cheap cables and an unremarkable amplifier. Led me to prefer the LRS with a REL T7i subwoofer versus the Dirty Weekenders.

Having said that, 2 questions arise.

First, any suggestions to make the desicion better informed without at this moment buying a better amp or cables.

Amp is an Iota VX with the additional power amp.

Cables 12AWG un branded.

Streaming for now from Amazon Ultra HD for testing through a Bluetooth Aptx adapter.

I cannot afford to spend more money for now.

And the other question, do you think I should offer the Dirty Weekenders for sale "As New" since they are and give anyone who missed the recent sale, the chance of buying them. They have the Capacitors upgrade from Zu. Or simply return for the full refund they offer?

As ever, thanks for any input and advice!

Happy Holidays to all.

reubent, have you watched the movie Little Big Man? Kenjit is a contrary.
Great movie by the way. Dustin Hoffman at his best.
Unless you already have a buyer that is willing to pay you the amount you spent and pick up the cost of shipping if needed I'd suggest you take advantage of the ZU Audio trial offer and send them back, otherwise, my bet is you will be taking a loss.
@mijostyn said:

have you watched the movie Little Big Man?

Yes, many times. Great movie.
Why do you have an issue with this?

Because its not good enough. I want to be able to put each and every speaker to the test all in one go in my own time. Do you know any dealer that would provide that for free? 

Should we be charged to walk into a clothing store just to browse? Thats what the greedy high end industry is doing. Do not be duped. Save your money
FWIW, I have read that better electronics are not wasted on the LRS. Never heard them, but the same has been said about my Vandersteens. I was skeptical. Having recently moved to Pass Labs, I can tell you that certain brands of speakers really benefit from higher-quality amplification. Read around about the LRS. May be worth experimentation in that direction. 

Good luck!
