Speaker Stand Design?

Starting to think about wood speaker stands designs for my Harbeth M30's.

Some considerations: High or Low Mass (?), Wood density, Wood Joinery (rigidity)

Anyone use the Wayne Taylor (Low Mass) Speaker Stands http://www.austinhifi.com/waynetaylor.html

Those are metal, but I could build something very similar out of solid wood.

For High Mass I was initially thinking to work off the Mapleshade philosophy, thick solid wood base, with good solid anchoring to the top plate and speaker.

Any thoughts would be appreciated! Thanks!

Showing 1 response by rodge827

Here is a design that I will be making when I have my new listening chair. Your design philosophy is spot on, thicker wood and more weight = less vibration. Herbies Fat Dots under your monitors would also be a good idea.
Do a "DIY Speaker Stand" search and check out more designs.