Speaker Stands Filled With Kitty Litter? TRUE???

I know that speaker stands should be filled with sand or lead shot for weight, stability and providing a good base for the speaker performance.

Recently, I heard people saying stands can be filled with KITTY LITTER! Is this true? Anybody else know about this, or is it a bunch of hooey? If it's true, how does it compare to the traditional fill materials?
Ag insider logo xs@2x3zub
We only have a used doggy pooper scooper Frank. It's pretty clean since we
hose it off every day after use. Will that do for serving? Mmmmmmmm, who
wants cake?!?!

ive used kitty liter. Natural clay, non clumping, Unscented , it’s the cheapest liter Walmart sells $4.25 25lb bag Skylands stands recommends it.