Speaker suggestions for an Art Audio PX25

I have just purchased a 2nd hand PX 25 and am looking for speaker suggestions.I have been out of the hobby for a while and want to stay off the merrygo round.Just want to get on listening to some music.My room is small ,volumes not loud and my taste jazz and small scale classical.Will probably buy a Resolution Audio cd to go with it.Any suggestions appreciated.
Regards Steve
When you say your room is small.... How small? The first thing that comes to my mind is Avantgard's.... But with too small of a room they wouldn't work well. You might check into the Reference 3A line-up too.

Hi Zola,

I also have the AA PX-25. One thing I should point out is that Joe Fratus designed an unusually strong power supply, for a single digit output SET, that allows it to have the comparable drive of some 12-18wpc SET amps I've had in my system.

It would help to know what type of music you listen to most often and the aspects of reproduction that are most important to you since no speaker is perfect.

And what prior experiences have you had with high-efficiency systems and speakers? And stand out that you liked?

that has to be one of the nicest listening rooms I've ever seen...I'm interested in the PX25 also since I have 99db efficient speakers that are fairly flat to 8 ohm...using 2A3 tube integrated now...if you have time, what are the things you like most and least about the PX25.
In the multi-driver category of efficient speakers the 2 names that come to mind are Coincident and Silverline, they both carry many models in size and price that are highly acclaimed and very fitting for low powered SET's.

Thanks for the nice comments on the listening room. As far as the AA PX-25 goes. I can't think of anything that I don't like about it. I have compared it to a few different amps (BAT VK75se, Wytec Onyx, VAC, etc.) and the only one I may (emphesis on may)have preferred was the Nagra 845 amps.... They ended up being too noisy for my system though.

The PX-25 is VERY quiet, a little sweet, and has great resolution and extension. Believe it when they say, "it seems much more powerful than rated"..... Only thing I would change... I wish I could afford the mono version.


PS Joe Fratus (AA Owner) has got to be one of the best guy's in the audio industry.