KEFs are on the bright side. However great they are. Almost anything in your price range will sound warmer.
speaker upgrade fever
I'm considering a speaker upgrade to compliment my Aesthetix Mimas integrated. Currently, I've got KEF Ref 1 monitors paired with (2) REL S/3 subs. Must stay away from bright, analytical and clinical presentation. Room size 12'x19'. Music is jazz, acoustic Americana, Chamber, symphonic etc.
Looking at the ProAc K1, Triangle Duetto and the DeVore o/baby. Also, a huge departure, Vandersteen Treo CT, floor standers. I understand Vandersteen pairs well with the Mimas.
Always open to suggestions, happy to buy quality used and demo.
Budget, ~$8-$11K KEFs are on the bright side. However great they are. Almost anything in your price range will sound warmer.
Suggest speakers with beryllium tweeters. I am very sensitive to sibilance too and a local dealer suggested the tweeters after I had issues with several different speakers over time. Ended up with Revels and I’m very happy. Went with the M126Be standmounts since like you I have twin subs and didn't need another set of tower speakers. There are other manufacturers that use beryllium so you have other choices in your price range. |
I almost accidentally bought a pair of KEF Reference 1 speakers to tide me over while repairing my Quad 2905 electrostatics, which are widely recognised as very accurate speakers. In many respects I prefer the Reference 1 - it plays a lot louder while keeping the imaging and accuracy I am used to. I mainly play classical music and go to a lot of live concerts. Should possibly mention that my amplifier is a Krell KSA80 class A which has huge current reserves. Your speaker choices listing has the Reference 3 immediately under the Reference 1. They are identical speakers except the 3 has a duplicate bass driver in a d'Appolito arrangement. The Reference 5, not in the listing, has four of the same bass drivers, Yet speaker choices describes the Reference 1 as 3/bass+concentric and the Reference 3 as 4/bass+midwtweet+bass. To really understand why the KEF is outstanding, have a look at the KEF White Paper REF-White-Paper-201219-LR.pdf These aren't beercans, neither are they bookshelf speakers. I prefer them to every other speaker I have heard iincluding Sonus Faber, B&W and behemoths costing 20 times as much. |