SPeakers 90% of your sound

After "experimenting" with various cables,interconnects,conditioners,power cords, tube amps, and digital sources...I have come to this conclusion...the sound from my speakers was not drastically altered and at best marginally improved...with this in mind...I am glad I allocated the majority of my funds towards speakers and speaker stands...I have not thrown in a TT to the mix...which is my last and latest project...I am sure there are those who will disagree...but this is my findings at this time...any thoughts? That last 10% improvement will cost me what my entire system costs already....
Sogood51, I'm embarrased by your kind words, especially since I've been so caustic with you in the past. With all humility, thank you.
The Listening Room Part I, Your Most Important Component by David Smith, President And Chief Engineer For Snell Acoustics said "the recording that you paid good money for already has the sonic footprint of that large carefully designed performance space. Your living room doesn't need to add its footprint on top of that. In truth, your living room needs to absorb as much sound as possible. It needs to be acoustically dead."

If your speakers do not reflect improvements made in other areas of your system then your speakers are holding your system back and should be replaced. I agree that speakers account for the largest single part of a system's sound but I wouldn't ascribe more than 50% of the sound of a good system to the speakers.

I think Karls and Rlwainwright are speaking with audio wisdom. Y'all better stop that...
Great responses to all...just a quick clarification...Im not advocating spending 90% of your budget on speakers...just that speakers account for 90%(or so) of your sound(good or bad depending on your means)...so there seems to be 2 camps...for example purposes...in a 2k system...there are those who would allocate roughly $500 for speakers and the rest on source and electronics...and there is the camp that would allocate roughly 1k on speakers and so on...I would fall into the latter group myself...with "midfi" amps and sources gaining much ground on higher end, esoteric products(where cosmetics and build quality often inflate prices)...I would have to agree that the sonic differencs between a $500 amp and a 5k solid state amp are very minute(maybe even non-existent)...these are my findings...
Phasecorrect, that's silly.

If you or anybody else in this thread really believe that there are only very minute differences at best between a $500 amp and a $5000 amp, well...,

..., let's just say you must be looking at the wrong amps or you're shopping at the wrong stores.

This statement is hard to believe. I can't think that anybody would make a broadbrushed statement like this for any product. Much less any one group of audio components, and specifically amplifiers.

Well, maybe speaker cable supporters, but even that's pushing things a bit.

Now keep in mind, I'm not talking about the costs here. Because it is entirely possible that the hypothetical $500 amp may very well blow away the $5000 amp sonically. i.e. the Odyssey Stratos at $1000 comes to mind.

Same thing if one were to compare one $500 amp to another $500 amp. One could easily wax the the other even though they cost the same.