Speakers after GMA Europas

Hello everyone,

I had to sell my gear about a year ago to finish up grad school and I want to start building my setup again simply because I miss it so much. My current budget is about $2500 for both speakers and amp but do not know where to go. I had the GMA Europas which I loved and cannot decide what to replace it with.

What would you suggest for both speakers and amp?
So this is all about bass? Sure they have more bass, but still are not the better all around speaker. They sound like they have a blanket over them compared to the Europas.


And Thiel 3.5s? That one makes me laugh.
I agree with Rockadanny that Fritz's Carbon 7s are lovely at the price, and also compete with considerably more expensive pieces. I've enjoyed talking to Fritz too.

However, they may be a pretty different animal than the GMAs, if the Eos and Eos HD I auditioned are any indication. The Carbon's compare very favorably, in my view, but again, different animals.

What is it you like about the GMAs?
