Speakers, confusion, any ideas?

I've just rebuilt my front end after 20 years. I now have HCA-2 amp, MusicHall mmf-cd25 mod level +, and a Carver Sunfire Symphonic reference pre. (yes, Wally at underwood hifi has had some influence on me). The last link are speakers. I have refurbished my epicure 3.0's mids and subs from Meniscusaudio. With their advice, I will still need to replace the tweets, and have the speakers shipped to them for a computer analysis to create the new crossover, have it installed, etc. I have already spent $600.00 on drivers, with about $600.00 to complete the modification/refurbish process. At their current level, I listen, and am just not satisfied. The upper end, especially female vocals and horns are just edgy. I keep wanting to turn it up, but when i get to performance levels they make my ears hurt!!

I suppose the cross over could be the missing key, however, i wonder if my journey is futile.

I've read about three speakers that catch my attention, in no particular order: The Gallo Reference III, Paragdigm Studio 100, and the Theil CS2.4. All have gotten some serious print. Once I make my decision, I dont want to look back. What ever I pick, will probably take me to the next 25 years, hearing loss, diapers, and the true terminal* whatever.

Any ideas?

Showing 1 response by fedreams

If you like the look of your current speakers and want a minimal investment to see if you can "correct" or "improve" the sound, try either a Bybee Quantum filter on the terminals or a Harmonix Enacom speaker filter. These would be relatively inexpensive treaks which may help you with your system. Good luck!