Speakers for classical using my SET rig?

I am very pleased with what I have to this point and have no planes of changing anything with the exception of an additional set of speakers to use when listening to classical and big bad music.

What I have now is:

Almarro 318B 6c33c SET..18 watts

VPI Scout with 300 rpm motor and Benz wood body High output cart and SS clamp

Consonance phono amp

Cain and Cain Abbys

Rel B3 sub

Room is 12 x 14...8 foot ceiling but I rent so who knows what it could be soon.

The Abbys are GREAT but large orchestras and big bands are really too much for them to handle. What would be a good ADDITIONAL set of speakers I could switch back and forth with? Price say 1000 to 2000 dollars used. The sub is phenomenal so the bottom end isn't really an issue.

Thanks, Dean
Usher 6311s should be a very good choice or Reference 3A- decapos (satellite) or their floor=standers
The Zingali horns are really dynamic and probably provide the strengths you're looking for with orchestral music. Mine (model 3s) tend to go a little hard when the volume is cranked, but YMMV depending on amp and room size. The old Zingali distributor OSS may have some available on closeout. I think he may also have some lowthers on hand.
