Speakers for EL34 amp: $1,500 - $2,000

Looking for floorstanding or stand mount speakers that work well with EL-34 amp (approx. 40 watts). Price range: $1,500 - $2,000 new or used. Transparency, Soundstaging and Tonality are most important. Musical taste is varied, with a heavy dose of female vocalist, Jazz and tasteful pop. Room is 14' x 12'. Thanks for your suggestions.
Seconding Grinnell, the Reference 3a De Capo's are a wonderful option. They love tubes... I'm running mine on little Manley Mahi monoblocks; I have a similar sized room to yours. I run the Mahi's in triode mode (20 w/ch) and I can't run them any louder than 9 o'clock on the volume knob. Enormous soundstage, stellar imaging and tonality. Killer on female vocals!
If you can't afford the De Capo's, have a look at their little brother, the Dulcet. I've owned both and they're both great.
Try Proac. I am using a EL34 powered Quicksilver V4 amp with Proac Response 2.5. You might try the Response 1.5 or Studio 140 (both used would fit your price range)as they are more sensitive and would work better with your 40 wpc amp.
One of the dealers has original Epos M-22's listed new in the box for $1600.00 or so. I've got a pair of these playing an Esoteric X03SE through an old ("vintage" if I'm ever dumb enough to sell it...) Exposure XV integrated, that runs 40W a side. They're only 87 sensitive; but "loud" has never been my thing. I've always thought a Manley Stingray would be a good match for these speakers, if that helps.