Speakers for triode tube amps

I have a Luxman CL 38u SE tube preamp and matching MQ 88 SE Triode tube amp rated at 25 wpc. I m using ProAc Anniversary Tablets at the moment and I’m wondering how I can upgrade to a speaker that can be driven with 25 Triode watts. Any recommendations on a high quality 8 ohm speaker that is easy to drive?  I know Wilson Tune Tots are out of the question (impedance/ sensitivity issues- they were my first choice.  Not interested in horn loaded speakers.  I Love the Harbeth P3 but I already own a pair of 40.1s in my main system. Any suggestions??
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xsamuelg
"If you don't like how Tekton looks--great--don't buy it. Tekton puts the money where it counts. Add up the cost of the drivers vs. the final cost of the product. NO major speaker manufacturer I know of offers this kind of value. So if you are put off by that, than by all means, spend your audio money on furniture you can look at."       correlli ...Your part of the problem and if i was the owner of Tekton id ask,no beg audiogon to ban you ,shillcarbon and the rest of the crew to post such nonsense on an audio site..your killing sales,lol
As the above post demonstrates, the haters offer nothing constructive to the OP.  

There's been plenty of constructive suggestions for the OP.  Many have suggested several high sensitivity speakers possessing a high and flat impedance.  These are excellent choices for a MQ-88 triode amp...and I speak from experience, I own one (unlike others).  However the very first response was from a "hater" (your word not mine) who ostracized the OP for even inquiring into a "high quality 8 ohm speaker that is easy to drive".  Please in all honesty tell me how constructive it is to the OP to dress him down and shove Tekton down his throat?  Seriously...?????   Perhaps we need to redefine "hater".
Well, it seems to me that a true 8ohm speaker is one that doesn't drop below 5ohms, making it 25wpc tube amp suitable providing the sensitivity of said speaker is commensurate with room size and listening distance from speakers.

The unknown herein is the size of the room. 
Three Easy - so very astute. I suspect they are huddling the sycophants to craft a response….

as for constructive input, I love what Devore does in this space