There's been plenty of constructive suggestions for the OP. Many have suggested several high sensitivity speakers possessing a high and flat impedance. These are excellent choices for a MQ-88 triode amp...and I speak from experience, I own one (unlike others). However the very first response was from a "hater" (your word not mine) who ostracized the OP for even inquiring into a "high quality 8 ohm speaker that is easy to drive". Please in all honesty tell me how constructive it is to the OP to dress him down and shove Tekton down his throat? Seriously...????? Perhaps we need to redefine "hater".
There's been plenty of constructive suggestions for the OP. Many have suggested several high sensitivity speakers possessing a high and flat impedance. These are excellent choices for a MQ-88 triode amp...and I speak from experience, I own one (unlike others). However the very first response was from a "hater" (your word not mine) who ostracized the OP for even inquiring into a "high quality 8 ohm speaker that is easy to drive". Please in all honesty tell me how constructive it is to the OP to dress him down and shove Tekton down his throat? Seriously...????? Perhaps we need to redefine "hater".