Speakers suggestion that can be driven hard

I have a pair of B&W DM640's. Sound real nice but i have to be real careful with the volume as the tweeter is prone to blowing up. I want to get another set of speakers that I don't have to worry so much about that. i can spend $2000 used. Suggestions?
If you are blowing tweeters, it's most likely your amp's or source's fault. Either your system is unnecessarily bright or you are getting distortion by over-driving your amp. Most speakers can handle a ton of power but one watt of distortion will ruin them.
What's the rest of your system?
As Elevick was stating, it doesn't matter what speakers you have; if you're underpowering them, any speaker will fail. It's very hard to ruin a speaker by over driving it, and quite easy to blow a speaker by underpowering it.

Are you sure your amp is powerful enough?
I have decent equipment Audio Research SP8 and Aragon 4004 mkII. I only have blown the tweeter once. It was an accident. i turned on the system and walked away and the volume was just a bit too high and there was a trumpet part that blasted it. I was too late too the volume control to turn it down. It only sounds like there is damage when I play certain passages of certain songs.