Please understand your statement is an opinion. Some agree with you and others do not as is evident in this thread. Consider this if you will ....
You've heard the same excellent live recording for years on your extremely accurate system. You've listened to the same recording on other extremely accurate systems and you're moved every time by the realism and that feeling of being there during the recording. You know, with some accuracy, how it was intended to sound when recorded. Then one day you hear that same recording on another system, and on that system you're surprised at how clearly you can hear a cello. That same cello wasn't quite that "palpable" before on the other systems, and you've always relegated it somewhat into the background, but now on this system it's louder and more tonally "rich".
You know it's not accurate, but you love cellos and this one sounds wonderful now that it's front and center.
Maybe this has never happened to you, and maybe you feel it never could happen to you. It's happened to me often enough that it's the reason I'm responding to the OP's post as well as the comments here.