1. Seeking speakers that sound alive and dynamic at 55 dbs with occasional peaks at 60 dbs. Headphones do not work for me. My ears were just tested and ENT advised my ears are normal for a 72 year old. He said that I have normal age related hearing loss. My ears are uncomfortable when I listen over 55 dbs.  My current system is as follows:

Martin Logan11A impression loudspeakers with 2 SVS 4000 subs. 

Bryston 4B3 Cubed power amp & Bryston BP-19 preamp.

Chord Qutest Dac-with LHY linear power supply.   

Lumin U2 mini  streamer with S Booster power supply.

Before I change speakers I plan to upgrade my DAC to Weiss 204 with Linear power supply, and then purchase Schitt Audio Loki Max equalizer (to boost bass and treble) hopefully to counteract Fletcher Munson Curve.

Finally I was thinking of Klipsch Forte 4 & Cornwall 4, and Frigg 2 by O Audio, as

reviews of all three say they all sound great at low volumes.   I know many say Klipsch is not high end or very revealing, but is there anybody out there that owns or has heard any of the above. Any suggestions would be appreciated. I enjoy this hobby and the great music it brings to the table. I don't want to stop listening and just seeking to find a solution that would allow me to continue musical enjoyment.

Thanks for your thoughts.



My Acoustat Model X’s can blast me out of the room with just Forty watts, but they really do need an subwoofer at lower sound levels.  Another thought might be you getting a set of Planar headphones.

All the best.

It might help to know what you listen to. Is it music? Can you give some examples? Did they use instruments and human voices? It’s hard to play a violin or acoustic guitar in my studio without it hitting well above your preferred volume. Crescendos are louder as my buddy strums harder or my wife’s flute pegs the note with just the right timbre. I have a baritone and it doesn’t really feel alive till I make significant pressure. Are you sure you like music? Or is it something else you seek. To spend money? Get a hearing aid and keep it loud. Love the music till you die!

Hi, I’m in the same situation as you with my hearing.After a few years of experimenting with components and sound I finally reached a point where my sound quality is very satisfying to me. I’m using a Shindo pre amp and amplifier with a Mr T power conditioner.My digital setup is a Synergistic Research switch which connects  Ethernet cable, and Muon Pro to the Aqua LinQ transporter to my Weiss 501 Mk2. I used the DSP on my Weiss to my advantage and my taste. I am listening with Fleetwood Deville SQ at 60 to 75 dbS and sounds great, whether loud or low, the details these speakers give out is amazing.After lots or trial and errors, this is the best I ever heard. Good luck with your search , just thought to share my personal journey.

There is so much hate for Klipsch. I get it, the lower end stuff is defiantly made on a budget. They do require a little bit of modifying to get the best out of them. 

Having said that, I have Forte's, every morning I'm listing to the radio around 50db, before everyone else gets up. They sound dynamic, good soundstage, not missing anything from top to bottom. What they do lack, is the pinpoint imagining, but they also have a huge sweet spot, that the speakers that image so well do not have. 

On my setup, when it is turned up, they sound about the same, but the soundstage just keeps getting bigger. At times you would swear there are way more then 2 speakers in my setup. 

If you have the budget, skip the Forte, look into the Volti, it is a much better done version of the Klipsch, so they charge as such. 

I'm there as well at 69 with minimal diminished hearing. I agree with @audphile1 on the EQ use. I wasn't using the EQ on my McIntosh MA352, but since my diagnosis I adjusted the EQ settings to match my hearing levels and I'm pleased with the outcome so far. 

One note on hearing aids, the specialists have told me they are optimized for human conversation, not music. I did try aids without the EQ on and with EQ on and I wasn't pleased with the results.