1. Seeking speakers that sound alive and dynamic at 55 dbs with occasional peaks at 60 dbs. Headphones do not work for me. My ears were just tested and ENT advised my ears are normal for a 72 year old. He said that I have normal age related hearing loss. My ears are uncomfortable when I listen over 55 dbs.  My current system is as follows:

Martin Logan11A impression loudspeakers with 2 SVS 4000 subs. 

Bryston 4B3 Cubed power amp & Bryston BP-19 preamp.

Chord Qutest Dac-with LHY linear power supply.   

Lumin U2 mini  streamer with S Booster power supply.

Before I change speakers I plan to upgrade my DAC to Weiss 204 with Linear power supply, and then purchase Schitt Audio Loki Max equalizer (to boost bass and treble) hopefully to counteract Fletcher Munson Curve.

Finally I was thinking of Klipsch Forte 4 & Cornwall 4, and Frigg 2 by O Audio, as

reviews of all three say they all sound great at low volumes.   I know many say Klipsch is not high end or very revealing, but is there anybody out there that owns or has heard any of the above. Any suggestions would be appreciated. I enjoy this hobby and the great music it brings to the table. I don't want to stop listening and just seeking to find a solution that would allow me to continue musical enjoyment.

Thanks for your thoughts.




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I started with a Rogue Audio tube amp, did not go with my Martin Logan 11As. I then purchased a used Conrad Johnson tubed amp with 60 watts per channel. The sound did improve, but fairly lifeless at low levels. I then purchased a Bryston 4b3 cubed which is 300/channel into 8 ohms and 500/channel into 4 ohms. The Logans are 4 ohm speakers. The sound is better but still not good at low volumes. I don't plan to purchase another amp.  Will try an equalizer to remedy the Fletcher Munson Curve and if that fails will purchase a speaker that comes alive at 50 DB. I am hoping I can find this.


Horn loaded woofers or speakers with big mid-bass peaks in their response. The ideal low-level speaker would probably have both. I’ve already suggested Borresens, but consider models like the Volti Razz or Rival. 

My game plan is upgrade m dac first,  from my ChordQutest to the Weiss 204 with a Modwright Linear Power Supply. If that does not improve low level listening dynamics then I will purchase the Schiit Audio Loki Max Equalizer and boost the bass and treble to counteract Fletcher Munson issues.  If this fails then will look to upgrade my speaker. Only interested in new and will purchase from a dealer where I can hear the speaker before purchasing.  Thank you.