Speakers that turn your analytical mind off?

I am fortunate enough to own a wonderful pair of speakers and yet I catch myself noting how good a flute sounds or some other dissected component of the music rather than the music as a whole. When I'm in the shower and listening to sonos through our bathroom in ceiling speakers, I don't dissect the music and find it much easier to connect with the music.
For those left brained folks, have you found speakers that turn your analytical mind off and allow you to connect with the music ass a whole?
My Ohm 1000's let me completely forget about the speakers and just enjoy the music. I"m still having a giggle fit over Lindisfarne's response!!! Priceless indeed!!!
I don't really sweat the participation of my analytic mind. I typically go to at least one live jazz show a month and often find myself thinking, e.g., wow, the timbre on Shorter's sax sounds great, or, jeez, the decay on Moran's notes just hangs there off that Steinway. Same thing happens at home when my system is sounding especially good. Just part of the pleasure, and it doesn't mean I'm not submitting to the musicality of the performance or sound. Minds can do many things at once.
My OHM 100 series 3 and F5 series 3 are pure joy to just listen to and enjoy the music for extended periods. You can easily focus on whatever analytical detail of the music you choose to as well, but they do not draw attention to themselves as transducers, which is key. ALso OHM Ls are a pleasure to listen to as well, though more conventional in design.

Less so with my Dynaudio COntour 1.3 mkII and Triangle Titus XL monitors, though these also can do quite well at not drawing attention to themselves, at least when set up accordingly, but in general these will tend to draw more attention to themselves as transducers under certain circumstances.
I've listened to lots of music(being a media dealer), but couldn't figure out which one I'd be able to listen during the shower.
Mind my curiosity? Suggestions?
It seems to me that it is systems --- not speakers alone (or even speakers primarily) --- that can draw you in or turn you off. Many of the speakers listed will be wonderfully musical (non-analytical) with the right electronics and source material. But the same speakers with harsh analytical electronics will sound harsh and analytical. This is why a great deal of digital music is so non-engaging --- it does not draw you in even if your speakers are capable of drawing you in (were they fed better signal). So, a harsh sounding CD player will make any speaker sound bad. To me, the recording itself and the CD player/DAC actually are more critical than the speakers as regards drawing you in (at least in general).