Speakers that will bring me down to me knees crying with joy

Ok, so I had to write something ordinary in the title, but it´s really what I want. I live in Sweden and here we have a few really good Hi-Fi dealers which can offer great brands, but not everything is available. I´ve taken a break from this hobby the last 2-3years so I´m not up to speed on every new set of speakers.

What I have listened to in the past:

TAD Reference One - Really awesome speaker, it was paired up with TAD´s electronic and I found the sound a bit cold, just a bit. 

Giya G1 - I can´t get past the design 100% but the sound was good, but the setup might not have been the best or optimal for me. However I could see wanting to listen to them again in a different setup if possible.

Raidho D3 and D5 - Now this is the speakerbrand is, together with Sonus Faber Cremona M, that made the best emotionally connection with me. I was actually visiting Raidhos factory in Denmark with a dealer who brought me there. The sound from the D5 were super awesome, but they are very hard to get by used, but they could be the best speakers I´ve heard.

Focal diablo - Really awesome little speaker; sounded really good, I would like to hear the new speakers from Focal.

B&W 800D - Paired up with classe electronics; I found them pretty good, but it was too long ago when I heard them.

Magico S5 - I really really wanted to love this speaker, it looked so perfect 2x10" etc. it was paired up with electronics from Devialet. I experienced the sound to be too cold for me, could have been the room which was very small and weird.

## So what is important for me; well emotions emotions emotions; I want to feel something when listen to music; if we´re talking about chosing a "colorless" speaker and pair it up with tubes" or chose a speaker like Sonus Faber use to be, made everything sound lush, then the first option might suite me the best. I don´t want a ruthless system that make 65% of CD´s sound like shit because they are extremely analyzing. This is what I find the hardest to balance. But I like my music loud and I´m mostly looking a bigger speakers because I want that BIG sound which can bring me to my knees I want to be overwhelmed and washed with sounds. I have all my music in FLAC / WAV.

Any suggestions?
I'm guessing tube amplification will likely go further towards achieving the desired effect for most than any particular speakers.

It also helps to have the right music playing.  Speakers alone are not likely to make one break down.

Having said that I've seen people levitate towards Sonus Faber when other more common favorites fail.  Also Harbeth. 

Most good speakers can do it when the right music is playing and  everything is carefully set up to meet ones goals and  firing on all cylinders.
I have had one or two people tear up hearing the systems I build. However, I do not tend to get weepy when I hear something fabulous. If there are lyrics I tend to sing along. I can tell when I'm enthralled when I sing with my favorite artists. :) 

I'm with Doug on that.

Great sound may make me giddy but it takes the right music at the right time to bring tears to my eyes.  Great sound certainly helps.

Have not been brought to my knees yet to-date.  Not sure that would exactly be a good thing. 
I don't EVER expect a system, much less any specific component, to be so radically special that I would have such a reaction.  Also, when one has heard a lot of different systems, it is particularly rare that any one system would be that dramatically different.  But, I have been, on a few occasions, astonished by how good certain systems sound.  I heard a giant, horn-based system that cost well north of $1 million in a home system that was really quite special; the dedicated room was quite large (I would guess at least 25 by 60 ft).  Another great system I heard at a show featured three Wilson (Alexandria?)  speakers as front channels and two MAXX speakers as back channels playing in a large conference room.

I have also been quite surprised by something new that I did not expect to hear and like so much.  One that comes to mind is an open baffle system using a full-range Jensen M-10 fieldcoil driver (13") as a mid/bass driver and a tweeter that covered only the very highest frequencies.  I had never heard what is essentially a full-range driver that sounded so good (no rough or peaky sound like Lowthers).  I am also amazed by the tiny (and expensive) Raidho speakers--they sound very good at modest volume levels.
I've had a pair of the Focal Sopra No2's now for four months, brings a smile on my face every time I fire them up!