Speakers to build a $6500 system around

I am frustrated with all the speaker choices available in the $2k range. There's just too many! I listen to all music types but I lean towards jazz, vocals and reggae. I have a bedroom system consisting of an Rega Apollo cd player, Music Angel EL34 integrated pushing an old pair of Energy 4.1e's which I enjoy very much. However, this set-up in my larger tiled family room just doesn't cut it. Can someone recommend a source,full range speaker and integrated combo that can deliver "you are there" kind of sound for around $6500? My room is not ideal. It measures 16' x 20'. One side opens out to a dining area. I have to place these speakers against the long wall. I would really appreciate any opinions on speakers in the $2000 dollar range that I can really build something special upon. Thanks!
Regarding Energy Veritas 1.8, I will definitely keep my eyes open for these. However, you think these can play on par with VR4jr's?

You appear to like Energy and tHE 1.8's are a reaL GEM.
There is a pair of dunlavy scIII in black for sale;I had a pair of these driven by cary slam 100 monoblocks and obtained excellant results;my other recommendation although not a floorstander would be some of the merlin's listed in the monitor class and there is a $3000.00 pair of full range speakers also.
Zu Essence, I've never heard them but with 60 day return policy, I am interested!
Shadorne, you are right! I do really like my Energy's. The 4.1e's were made in Canada in the late 80's. They sound great but look like they were made in the late 80's. They are monitors on stands and have grey plastic fronts that look kind of cheap. Thus, they have been relegated to the bedroom. I haven't seen any Veritas 1.8's for sale anywhere. I do not know if this is true but, I've heard all Energy speakers are now manufactured in China. It's not a deal-breaker but, I do not consider that a plus.
I tried to find the Dunlavy scIII listing with no luck.
It would help to know in what ways your current system doesn't cut it. A tiled room is always cause for concern. Is this a power, dispersion, and room treatment issue? My first priority would be to address the room and then address the system to fit the room. Otherwise you're just flailing and throwing money at it.