Speakers with the most detailed midrange? (non-ESL/planar)

Anyone care to give their opinion on what dynamic speaker has the most detailed/revealing midrange? Not including electrostatics or planar speakers. Approximately between the frequencies of 400Hz to 3kHz. Also, just to clarify what I mean by detail: when there is a musical passage that entails many different layers of instruments, the speakers' ability to separate all the elements so all the instruments are heard clearly and nothing is obscured. Also the ability to retrieve every last bit of information on a recording, such as random sounds in the studio, distortion in recordings and reverb tails.

As far as price goes... 2 categories... below $12,000 USD (new) and any price range. Thanks.
+1 on ATC. I'm running a pair of ATC SCM12 Pros on desktop system (powered by a Wyred 4 Sound ST-500). The mids are among the most detailed, information-rich I've ever heard. A bit forward but not bright or peaky.

It's a 2-way w/enough bass & volume to shake the house. I don't know how ATC does it!
The Magico A3 has garnered consistent praise. It offers a finely detailed midrange with well delineated and flushed out vocals. The all aluminum Cabinet contributes to a black background. $9800
I heard the new KEF R3 standmounts today.   Midrange and all the rest was very good indeed!
My Zu Soul Superflys sound pretty coherent , to my ears. As do my KEF Transmission Lines.They both display differences dependent on the source, of course. I like to swap amps around.