I have heard Harbeth and could easily live with them although I use ATC.
Harbeth have a bit of coloration from the cabinet but it is pleasant. They don’t do full orchestral, big band or loud rock with quite the aplomb of ATC. Harbeth are however wonderful and easy to listen to! Great mid range and lovely classic FM sound.
You must audition Harbeth - they may indeed float your boat. The Compact 7ES3 is their best and most balanced sounding.
Harbeth have a bit of coloration from the cabinet but it is pleasant. They don’t do full orchestral, big band or loud rock with quite the aplomb of ATC. Harbeth are however wonderful and easy to listen to! Great mid range and lovely classic FM sound.
You must audition Harbeth - they may indeed float your boat. The Compact 7ES3 is their best and most balanced sounding.