Spectral dma-90 and MIT Z center

Spectral's website says their amps should be plugged into a different circuit than everything else. The DMA90 instructions says plug it into the same account outlet as preamp. I have mit z center. Should I plug the amp into the unswitched outlet marked for amps? I have the preamp in the switched section under preamp. Is that okay or do I need to have the amp in a separate circuit which will require an electrician? 
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Showing 2 responses by nkonor

Yes; I would search for used MIT ICs, Speaker and PCs. Prices for new are spendy. Used does come on the market and when you see them; if they're in your range grab them. I am a vinyl guy. Don't really know the difference in digital cables but I do know that the top MITs DO make a difference over the mid priced stuff.
Spectral owner for (20) yrs. Which preamp do you have? Used a pair of DMA 90s as bridged monos and DMC 12 w/phono. All required MIT ICs, Speaker cables and MIT power conditioning.

Preamp should be plugged into switched Side. Never turn off MIT Z center or Preamp. The unswitched outlets are straight pass through for the amps. Switched outlets have filter circuits.