Spectron Musician 3 First Impressions?

I just installed my Spectron Musician 3 into my system. I had a 2A3 amp powering 96db Epiphany 12/12s. Out of the box, ice cold, the Spectron was incredible! The tonality was spot on with the 2A3 tube amp! The harmonic structure was 85% of the tube amp, and this was with less than 4 hours on the Spectron! The Spectron bettered the 2A3 in 3 major ways: 1.) Increased detail with no loss of sweetness 2.) Deeper bass with more control, 3.) Both micro & macro dynamics! Spectron says it takes 3-4 weeks of 24/7 at medium volume before the amp sounds its best. Has anyone else had a chance to listen to this incredible amp?????

Note: I am not affiliated with Spectron.
btw, sorry for all the typos, spelling errors and incorrect use of homonyms in the above post. Dratted forum won't let you go back and edit posts.
Great post above! Good to hear your impressions.
Did you get the bybee upgrade too?

I am looking forward to the arrival of
a new born Plus coming into my household.

Bravo to Simon for the genetic improvements as you describe,
and standing over the arduous labor and delivery,
insuring a healthy arrival.

I am quite the demanding and worried father
but find each post reassuring as well as the kid glove handling by Simon.
No, I didn't get the bybee upgrade. It wasn't available at the time. I'm not sure I would have gotten it anyway. Hard to say.

Look forward to your hearing about your experience with your new arrival.
After I heard the Bybee Super Effect Speaker Bullets this winter(a jaw dropping audio experience), I had a chance to test the Bybee Super Effect Ultra Power Cord.

My review is here on Agon.

I spoke with Jack Bybee about this new device of his,
a generational leap compared to his other products.

I did jump at the chance of Simon's upgrade to put
Super Effect in my Signature Edition Plus.

Time will tell!

I have to add my two cents about Spectron philosophy/practice and upgrading an already fine amplifier. I bought a pre-owned Musician IIISE about two months ago from a member here on Audiogon. The unit did not work properly upon arrival; I have no reason to believe the (reputable) previous owner had any problems with it. With the warranty in effect I shipped it from Minneapolis to California. The total turn around time, including shipping, was 12 days…and I followed the shipping progress to Spectrum Service from Minneapolis. According to my calculations, Spectron did not have it for more than a day….I could be a day off…but I don’t think so. Simon T. filled me on the option I had to purchase four HiFi Tuning fuses from a partnering business, which I did. Say what you want/read the other threads, but this tweak added substantial gain and detail to the amp. Goes with out saying I recommend this to any Spectron owner. Thank you Simon and the ‘pit crew’!