Spectron Musician 3 First Impressions?

I just installed my Spectron Musician 3 into my system. I had a 2A3 amp powering 96db Epiphany 12/12s. Out of the box, ice cold, the Spectron was incredible! The tonality was spot on with the 2A3 tube amp! The harmonic structure was 85% of the tube amp, and this was with less than 4 hours on the Spectron! The Spectron bettered the 2A3 in 3 major ways: 1.) Increased detail with no loss of sweetness 2.) Deeper bass with more control, 3.) Both micro & macro dynamics! Spectron says it takes 3-4 weeks of 24/7 at medium volume before the amp sounds its best. Has anyone else had a chance to listen to this incredible amp?????

Note: I am not affiliated with Spectron.
No, I didn't get the bybee upgrade. It wasn't available at the time. I'm not sure I would have gotten it anyway. Hard to say.

Look forward to your hearing about your experience with your new arrival.
After I heard the Bybee Super Effect Speaker Bullets this winter(a jaw dropping audio experience), I had a chance to test the Bybee Super Effect Ultra Power Cord.

My review is here on Agon.

I spoke with Jack Bybee about this new device of his,
a generational leap compared to his other products.

I did jump at the chance of Simon's upgrade to put
Super Effect in my Signature Edition Plus.

Time will tell!

I have to add my two cents about Spectron philosophy/practice and upgrading an already fine amplifier. I bought a pre-owned Musician IIISE about two months ago from a member here on Audiogon. The unit did not work properly upon arrival; I have no reason to believe the (reputable) previous owner had any problems with it. With the warranty in effect I shipped it from Minneapolis to California. The total turn around time, including shipping, was 12 days…and I followed the shipping progress to Spectrum Service from Minneapolis. According to my calculations, Spectron did not have it for more than a day….I could be a day off…but I don’t think so. Simon T. filled me on the option I had to purchase four HiFi Tuning fuses from a partnering business, which I did. Say what you want/read the other threads, but this tweak added substantial gain and detail to the amp. Goes with out saying I recommend this to any Spectron owner. Thank you Simon and the ‘pit crew’!
I have to agree about changing the 4 internal power supply fuses. In my system it makes a signinficant difference.
"Spectron philosophy/practice"

Dear Mdrummer01: thank you for your kind words. We found even cheaper source for very high quality fuses:

AudioAcmelabs.com - ceramic, silver, cryo - at $12 each. Its good info for owners of older amplifiers. For new amplifiers we will install these fuses at no cost to our users.

Here is a few more things which will dramatically improve performance of Spectron amplifiers.

1) Acoustic Revive QR-8 Quartz Resonator "...Place these little adhesive backed smoky quartz disks on any surface that may have vibration/resonance issues to reduce vibration borne problems. Other devices may reduce resonance, but they often add their own at the same time..."


2) The Acme Audio Ebony Wood AC Connector: - "...will utterly shock you with what it does to the sound characteristics of your existing power cords. Try one on either end of your source's power cord to experience a smother, warmer, more liquid midrange and enhanced dynamics..."

When I use word "dramatic" - this is exactly what I mean. The effect is disproportional to their price -at least in my own system and few others.

I made agreement with Michael Garner from http://www.tweekgeek.com/ Call him at (303) 653-6341, and tell him that you are Spectron customer - he will provide you about 20% discount on this product.

Please be aware that Spectron or I personally have no financial interest in any of our recommendation.

We do have interest, obviously, in your recommendation of our products and services to your friends.

Thank you again