IF even possibly true I would suggest SB fans communicate their displeasure to Logitech.
I will try to read some more when I have time but for now will take any unofficial comments on forums with a grain of salt.
The home audio market is surely not a big target for anyone, but Logitech already has developed viable solutions for that. All they need do is make minimal investment to continue to support it moving forward as they try to broaden their market into mobile applications, which is clearly "where it is at" these days.
If they do not, I would be willing to bet that some savy home audio company, perhaps even one that is popular on a site like this, snatches up the SB technology rights to continue to move forward.
If that does not happen at a minimum, it will be sad day for the future of home audio. CD players and turntables just will not cut it alone anymore these days.