SR "Entry Level" Black UEF power cords

I thought it necessary to start a new thread in regard to these utterly amazing, yet affordable PC’s. While there is a thread started by Oregon papa, it is more centered on the more seriously expensive atmosphere cables. I thought it prudent that these inexpensive cables get their own spotlight, as not all of us are as well heeled as others, and while I am sure the atmosphere cables must be awe inspiring, they are prohibitively out of reach for many of us. Therefore, I applaud Synergistic for "remembering the little guy" and creating an offering that allows us to taste some of that magic without the threat of divorce.

I’ve managed to build a very good system, to my ears, over the years. Much of it second hand, and when it came time for any type of peripheral, it was examined with a strong glass. I had settled on my first quality interconnect, Morrow MA-5 XLR. They are excellent ic’s and gave me a true taste of what a well designed cable could do for my musical enjoyment. I was hooked on the improvement and began a mission to squeeze every last ounce of music out of my system-Fuses, feet, mats....voodoo.

Fast forward to about 2 years ago. I ordered some red fuses for my gear. My buddy and life long friend who has been on this audio journey with me from the start agreed with me that they gave the system a well received shot in the arm. All much improved.

Recently, my ARC power amp had been sent in for service due to an issue and unfortunately was not salvageable. Therefore a huge enexpected purhase was made in order to get the system back up and running...Still licking my wounds from that.

With a new ARC amplifier in place, but with a different fuse value from the last one, I needed a replacement. I learned that the new Black fuse was now king of the hill. So, a Black fuse was installed into my power amp. Even though this was admittantly a new, and different model amp, the upgrade from the stock fuse to black fuse, was more than what I recalled the red being able to accomplish. This became a slipperly slope, but one I have enjoyed navigating. Soon after the black fuses, SR released the black UEF Cables.

I had been contemplating new power cords for some time, and logically had been considering the Morrow cables considering my satisfaction with the IC’s. I had also considered the shunyata venom and Pangea cables as well. However, after seeing what the SR UEF Black fuse had done for my system, and given the fact that SR was running an introductory special offer, not to mention a risk free trial, resistance was futile.

Ultimately my system now has all SR BLACK power components and I am just thrilled with the outcome. There is something to be said about these very special cables. I’ve tried to cheat by building my own Belden recipes, utilizing furutech ends etc. and was never able to accomplish a cable like this, even with premium parts, ultimately bringing costs close to what these cables asking price are.

Improvements are not subtle and these power products equate to a sum greater than their parts. Noise floor, clarity, tonality, soundstage size and focus are all improved. But not to the extent one would expect from a simple cable swap. There is something "else" going on here. Something that many people don’t care to understand, myself included, but embrace nevertheless because life is too short to worry about demanding mathematical proof of cable effects. I would rather be swimming in music. Many people will scoff at even the price of these lower cost offerings. This is unfortunate, let them be happy with what they have, and wish them the best.

These cables range from 300-500 dollars folks. A far cry from the higher cost offerings, but raise the performance of your system supremely and represent a fantastic value given their achievement. I have no doubt SR’s atmosphere line is better, but some of us cannot, or simply will not spend that kind of money. God bless those who can. That’s why these cables are so amazing. For those of you who have looked over SR because you thought there offerings were out of your price range, you now have shot at sonic bliss on a budget. I recommend these cables without hesitation.

Think of these cables as sneaking in the back door after greasing the bouncer. Sure you can’t sit front row, but at least you get to be in the house to see the performance.

Thanks kingfi, I've been drooling over the Weizhi and the Marbles in my search for a clean power strip but they are way out of my price range. Pete, over at TWL, told me to check out the PI Uberbuss as it's the only one he's familiar with that doesn't degrade the sound but even that's too dear for me right now so I might check out their Minibuss after I try out Pete's Digital-American PCs.

All the best,
Excellent beginning to an informative thread. Anyone else want to weigh in on the sweet spot in the SR line of cabling?

From above- line/power conditioning is totally dependent upon location.
On the grid of a major U.S. city vs more in a rural area.
I just want to reiterate how much patience is key when auditioning these cables, or any cable for that matter. Don’t jump to conclusions to soon.

With these cables and fuses, they take at LEAST 100 hours to start to give you an inkling of their promise. At first listen, they have a large chance of sounding better than the cable you’re replacing, and you will most likely be very happy, but after letting them break in- and this requires not TOUCHING them, they will start to sound like music and and less like "sound".

You cant go back and forth with your old cable several times to compare while it’s breaking in. You must let it relax and settle into its new shape, relax into iec connectors and AC outlets, etc. you can’t keep frazzling it.

Once you allow them to go a couple of hundred hours with sound going through them, un messed with, you will also hear new harmonics as well as subtle spatial cues that weren't there before. The noise floor will be so low that your system will really start to do a disappearing act. 

I know it sounds crazy. But it’s true.
Thank You- audiolover718

so true, several hundred hours to fully open up would be accurate.
Does SR junk-source their production to china?
Jafant, No they don’t. They are produced in California. If I were you, Jafant, I would aim for the sweet spot of your budget and go from there. If your budget allows, I would go the atmosphere route, as I’m sure it’s a larger helping of goodness. If not, I urge you to check out these lower cost offerings, and see if they give you a degree of Improvement you are satisfied with. You really have little to loose with a home trial. I think some vendors even give 60 days. With proper break in and usage, you should definitely be able to know whether these are right for your system. As an aside-here is an update to my black cable upgrade after some moderate break in time.

Yesterday my good friend came over for a listening session. He hadn’t heard the system since the power amp cable had been ordered. Upon arrival, the power amp cable had around 100 hours on it, just about enough time to be able to make a preliminary assessment. We set up the room. Blanket hanging over plasma, pillows lined up on rear wall, wifi router off, and all unneeded appliances unplugged.

The system was ready as I had set an alarm earlier to warm it up so it would sound it’s best prior to his arrival. He started going through my CD rack, and selected the few acid test titles we know well to listen for differences and I say differences, because many times, theyre not necessarily improvements, but differences in sound, with one compromise or another. Many of the cables I’ve made through the years fall into this catagory. So we selected Bob Marley "Uprising", Pink Floyd 2011 remasters, and Madonna "immaculate collection" (no snickering- it’s actually a great cd for soundstage.....okay. You got me, I like Madonna-now back to business!)

Bob Marely is not an audiophile 180 gram virgin pressing, blab bla bla kind of recording. Simply good music on a silver disc with aspirations of a quality recording. It’s not a system showcaser, but there is a lot of information on the disc and it can give your system a work out. This disc has the tendency to sound bright. Now, it retained it’s brightness. But it was more tolerable, and with a much greater sense of ease and the resolution was through the roof. Seperation of instruments, and articulation of those instruments, we’re so imoroved, it was a completely different experience than we had ever heard before.

My friend commented that he had heard this album hundreds of times, and many times on my system, but actually this time, was transported to the 80’s as a child on a TWA flight to Jamaica, Sony sports Walkman with the white cassette tape of this album playing on it. That right there is a testament to what these power cables have achieved. Emotion- not just the emotion the system is able to project, but the emotion it elicits from the listener. Now the system, can’t project humidity and palm trees, but it sure was close.

With a smile on my face I queued up "wish you were here". When the guitar came in, my friend let off a long "wooooooooooooow" as I expected, because I had done the same on my own the night before. It was so clear and free of any haze, with a pitch black noise floor, it was absolutely amazing. We then listened to "Money" on SACD and were similarly impressed, and led on a tangent to discus wether we liked the SACD copy vs. the 16 bit remaster. It was nerding out at its finest. We then moved on to Madonna.

This disc really sounds amazing, especially older tracks that at the time of their release I was a child, playing them on 45’s on nothing more than a 5 and 10 $ 100 dollar Emerson all in one "stereo". You know the kind that literally has cardboard speakers with silver chrome dust caps, tinsel leads and loud mechanical buttons, all weighing in at a massive 10lbs combined......listening to these tracks was an adventure.

So much information, but the system never coughed, and never sounded congested. What’s more, we didn’t have to turn the system up to be satisfied, as the scope was still large at low volume. Dynamics were still readily apparent which was very welcomed. Synths and actual instruments gained warmth. Micing techniques were highlighted. With "Crazy For You"- I had my own TWA moment, and recalled moments of sticker and pencil case heartbreak, being dumped by my 7 year old "girlfriend" and thinking my life was over.

Sure, the system has evoked feelings from me before, but never as elicit as this. I would caution about saying that a cable can change ones life. It boarders on lunacy, but it has changed my listening experience, so game changer-yes.

Before my friend left we went into a discussion trying to wrap our brains ohow a powercable could have such a profound improvement. We were expecting an improvement, or differnce, with something given back for that improvement, but for the first time- we gave up NOTHING. And then we speculated about the obvious Roswell technology that we must be dealing with here. 😉 I can understand now why it says "never compromise" on the box.