SS Amp for Triangle Speakers

Can anybody recommend a good SS Amp(preferrably integrated) that is a good match with the new Triangle Esprit floorstanders in terms of them not being overly bright? I am looking for a warm or even tube sounding amp that is SS to match them with these speakers, I listen to mainly rock music.
I have heard once a triangle floorstander with pathos hybrid integrated amp. It was a nice sound.
I concur with the Pathos recommendation. In solid state, Audio Refinement would also be a good match, either the Complete integrated or one of the power amps.
Hi. I have not really heard the Triangle but suspect they are like the other French speaker that I have, Cabasse Farella. Sensitive, 4-ohms, EXTREMELY fast and dynamic. If they are alike, then I can say for certain they match with most tube amplifier easily and very well. As for SS, it's entirely opposite story. I have tried over a dozen SS and most simply will not cut it. NAD did o.k. and Plinius did brilliantly.
These speakers light up with tubes but I listened to the Celius in a dealer with SS and it was the brightest speaker I have ever heard.
I own a pair of Triangle Antal XS, and will have to disagree with the suggestion that NAD amplifiers will do well with these speakers. I'm using a pair of C 272 mono blocks, and they sound extremely bright and harsh with the Antals. In my opinion, tubes are the only way to go with these speakers (especially if you listen to rock music...rock cds will give you an instant headache with the NADs). Seeing that this post was from a while ago, I hope you didn't get the NADs...