SS Amp for Triangle Speakers

Can anybody recommend a good SS Amp(preferrably integrated) that is a good match with the new Triangle Esprit floorstanders in terms of them not being overly bright? I am looking for a warm or even tube sounding amp that is SS to match them with these speakers, I listen to mainly rock music.
I have heard once a triangle floorstander with pathos hybrid integrated amp. It was a nice sound.
I concur with the Pathos recommendation. In solid state, Audio Refinement would also be a good match, either the Complete integrated or one of the power amps.
Hi. I have not really heard the Triangle but suspect they are like the other French speaker that I have, Cabasse Farella. Sensitive, 4-ohms, EXTREMELY fast and dynamic. If they are alike, then I can say for certain they match with most tube amplifier easily and very well. As for SS, it's entirely opposite story. I have tried over a dozen SS and most simply will not cut it. NAD did o.k. and Plinius did brilliantly.
These speakers light up with tubes but I listened to the Celius in a dealer with SS and it was the brightest speaker I have ever heard.