Stan Kenton Favorites

Would love to hear some feedback on this incredible British big band leader....his recordings on cd seem to be difficult to find....I am also somewhat concerned over the quality of these cd's..comments/discussion please
If you have enjoyed the Stan Kenton band through the years, you just missed a great opportunity. The Mike Vax Band toured for about a month in April/May. They are largely composed of alumni from the Kenton Band(s), including Mike himself. I had the good fortune to see them in Raleigh, and they were FANTASTIC. I must admit I have not been a big band fan, and was not very familiar with them. What an incredible surprise and delight. He has a website if you are interested:
The Mike Vax Band has played in Seattle a number of times, and they did an excellent LP in the early 1980's that I have enjoyed over the years. Don't know how much of their recorded material is available, but it's worth seeking out.
Sdcampbell, thanks so much for your excellent review and to the others for such great in sight into Kenton. This has all rekindled my interest in his accomplishment and past performances. I was in my teens when I first heard of him and was totally impressed, not to mention in awe over the loudness factor of the performances themselves. I understood that Kenton actually used cotton stuffed in his ears during performances. Back to Music store on the hunt! Mike Vax is also on my list!
According to one web site Stanley Newcomb Kenton was born December 15, 1911 in Wichita, Kansas. Didn't think he was Canadian, would have come up in school.