Static noise from right speaker

It started suddenly yesterday - static noise just from the right speaker. I swapped the ICs to see if problem moves to the left one but it stays in the right speaker. Any idea what might be the problem ? 
I swapped between the two AC cords but the noise is still there on the right side.
thanks for the assistance.
I will contact Audionet and probably take it to a technician.


Thanks for the reply. That makes more sense than what I must have been thinking yesterday when I posted my response. LOL, I don’t know what I was thinking yesterday.

There is one other thing you might check with the right amp. I assume the amps use an AC power IEC male inlet connector. Make sure the right channel power cord IEC female connector is plugged, pushed, all the way onto the male connector making a good electrical contact, connection. A loose AC power connection might/could cause static if any arcing is taking place caused by a loose connection. Just a thought.


I swapped speaker cables at the amp end
,meaning the right amp connected to the left speaker and then the noise shifted to the left.

it is probably the right amp as I disconnected the ICs totally and swapped speaker cables and noise shifted to the left amp.

Doesn't sound the right amp to me. Sounds like maybe a bad speaker cable termination. The speaker cable that started out connected to the right channel and then was moved to the left channel. You said the static "shifted to the left channel". 

If the right channel amp was the problem, then after you switched the speaker cables the static would still be in the right channel.

Audionet do only solid state.
it is probably the right amp as I disconnected the ICs totally and swapped speaker cables and noise shifted to the left amp.
i will contact Audionet to get their idea.
thanks for the assistance 
Do you have loss of dynamics? loss of OUTPUT? I would change the tubes as well.

Matt M
Post removed 
Does the hiss vary with the volume control?. Also when you swapped Ic's did you do it at 1 end only? May want to try swapping the entire cables from 1 side to the other. Try swapping speaker cables next